Ajiri Computer Camp

Like chameleons, teenage survival depends on blending into their environment. Their desire to fit in is so painfully at the surface that you can almost feel their desire to retract into themselves—to make themselves small, unnoticeable. After the recent computer camp last week, there was nothing small or unnoticeable about these scholars. 

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Kate Holby
To Be A Camper

We recently took our 19 oldest students to our own Ajiri summer camp. We didn't take them there to teach them independence; they've got enough of that already. We took them to camp to teach them how to be a child.

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Finding a Home

Though there is no autumn in Kenya—no fantastic turning of leaves, or crispness to the air—we want our 30 sponsored students to feel the same shift in possibilities, the same warmth at home, the same comfort in routine. We can’t create seasons, but we try our very best to create a sense of home.

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